“Therefore welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God.”
Each year, we, as a church, focus on one area of spiritual growth, seeking to grow in grace and obedience together. In recent years, we’ve emphasized prayer, evangelism, and discipleship. As we enter 2025, our prayer is that our church will cultivate a deeper culture of hospitality.
Scripture reminds us that we were once strangers, far off from God, but through Christ, we have been brought near and made part of His family (Ephesians 2:12-13, 19). Because God has welcomed us in Christ, we are called to “welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God” (Romans 15:7).
Hospitality is not simply about entertaining guests or opening our homes; it’s about opening our lives to others. It’s about intentionally and sacrificially creating opportunities for fellowship, care, and discipleship. It involves meeting people where they are, serving them with humility and love, and building relationships that reflect the warmth and grace of the Gospel.
Hospitality may look different for everyone. For some, it might mean opening their home for meals or gatherings. For others, it could involve inviting someone for coffee, going on a walk, or simply engaging in meaningful conversation after a church service. Regardless of the form it takes, hospitality is a way to embody Christ’s welcoming love and demonstrate the glory of the Gospel.
As we embark on this year of hospitality, let’s commit to being intentional and thoughtful in how we extend the love of Christ to others. Imagine the impact if every member of Desert Springs Church practiced radical hospitality at least once a month—12 meaningful, Gospel-inspired acts of welcome over the course of the year. To help you on this journey, we’ve provided a list of suggestions to inspire you, but don’t stop there! Be creative, prayerful, and bold in how you open your life to others. Let’s step out of our comfort zones, reach beyond our usual circles, and strive to reflect the far-reaching and transformational hospitality of Jesus.
By welcoming one another, we proclaim the welcoming grace of God to a watching world and create a community where everyone can experience the beauty of the family of God. Together, let’s make 2025 a year marked by hospitality that spreads God’s glory broader and deeper.
Book Recommendations
Suggested Activities
Invite another member for a meal or coffee and ask them to share their life story.
Host or attend a small gathering with members you don’t know well.
Reconnect with a member you haven’t seen at church in a while.
Deliver a meal to a member who may be going through a challenging time.
Share a meal with a member who lives alone or might feel isolated.
Welcome a church visitor by inviting them out for a meal or coffee.
Spend time in conversation with a member who is often overlooked or on the fringes.
Plan a small group activity or game night with both familiar faces and new friends.
Introduce yourself and engage in conversation with a neighbor you haven’t met.
Invite a member from a different ethnicity or cultural background to spend time together.
Take a member much older or younger than you out for a meal or coffee.
Connect with someone who joined the church within the last 12 months to make them feel welcomed.
Suggested people
A member you don’t know well.
A member you haven’t seen at church in a while.
A member going through a challenging time.
A member who lives alone or might feel isolated.
A church visitor.
A member who is often overlooked or on the fringes.
A neighbor you haven’t met yet.
A member from a different ethnicity or cultural background.
A member much older or younger than you.
A member who recently joined the church.
A member with whom you’ve never spent time outside of church services.
A member who could benefit from encouragement or prayer.
Executive Pastor