“He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and also to rebuke those who contradict it.”
In the New Testament Scriptures, the leaders of the local church are variously called elders, pastors, and overseers. The words are used interchangeably in Scripture (see Acts 20:25-32; 1 Peter 5:1-2) to show that the leadership of the church should be a single-layer structure of godly men, accountable to each other, the Scriptures, and, of course, ultimately to God. Together this "multitude of counselors" (Proverbs 24:6) shepherd the flock of God, spiritually and practically.
This means that elders are pastors and pastors are elders, though some are paid for their time given to the church and some are not (1 Timothy 5:17); some are freed up from external jobs, able to devote full-time work to the ministry, and some juggle full-time jobs with their shepherding responsibilities. Some elder-pastors will serve in more prominent roles (such as the teaching ministry), while others will serve less in less visible areas. With a variety of gifts, each elder offers a unique contribution to his specific area of ministry. Regardless of each elder's role and prominence, the New Testament models a plurality of equal leaders.
+ Read Biography
I grew up in sunny San Clemente, California—a surfers paradise. My earliest and fondest memories were long summer days at the beach. I moved to Albuquerque in 1987 while finishing five years in the US Air Force. Soon after, I met my wonderful wife Gina at mid-week service at Calvary Chapel. We were married in 1990.
I finished my degree in Finance and Economics at UNM and began my career as a Financial Advisor at Prudential Securities. Today, after several challenging mergers and acquisitions, I still love my work managing investments for my clients.
I became a Christian when I was 18 while I was working at a Christian summer camp in Yosemite. Although, I grew up in a Christian home, attended Christian schools and regularly attended church, my relationship with Christ was not personal or genuine until that summer in 1983. I finally understood the simple message of the gospel is that God loves me in the midst of my rebellion and sinfulness and He has redeemed me by the blood of Jesus.
Gina and I have been married since 1990 and we have three busy kids in college—Ben, Emma, and Luke. We became members of DSC in 1994 then, Riverview Fellowship and lead financial management, marriage classes, and hold Bible Studies at home. As a family, we love sports, camping and sailing when we can, and garden year-round. We are adventurous travelers, but still love the simple beauty of the beach.
Missions Pastor
Elder & Staff
+ Read Biography
I was born and raised in a rural suburb of Oklahoma City. My parents are believers so I was raised in church. I always hated going, as I found it boring, and I didn't have any church friends so I dreaded every Sunday. But one Sunday the preacher caught my attention because he was preaching about hell. This was the first time I realized that my sin separated me from God. Later that day I asked my dad how I could be saved, and that evening in the passenger seat of our family car I repented of my sins and believed in the gospel.
Later on, I went to the University of Central Oklahoma with hopes to go work for the FBI. During one of my classes I met an international student, and I desired to share the gospel with her, but I had no idea how to do that cross-culturally. So I went to the Baptist Collegiate Ministries and asked the director for advice. As a result I became very involved with their international student ministry. It was during this time that I became interested in doing missions. With a great desire to make His name known among the unreached, I received a Masters of Divinity in International Church Planting from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and have since then served on three different continents and in three different states.
My wife Janice and I have three kids Charlotte, Juliet, and Blaise. We enjoy cooking, big family breakfasts, and going on walks.
Music Pastor
Elder & Staff
+ Read Biography
I grew up as a pastor's kid in Arkansas, and was home schooled along with my four siblings. I heard the call of salvation at a young age under my father's ministry, and have seen that salvation worked out through the years. I started serving the church in music at thirteen and have never really stopped. I have been writing and composing music for many years with the goal to serve the local church in song.
I attended Stetson University for Music from 1999-2003.
I met my wife, Crissie, in high school and we were members of the same church for years. We were married in 2006.
Prior to coming to DSC, I was part time staff at TurningPoint Community Church in Palm Coast, Florida as the Music Leader for nearly five years.
I became the full time Music Minister here at DSC on April 1, 2010. I became an elder in July of 2020.
Crissie and I have five kids, Arabella, Priest, Kanon, Halliday, and Arrow (Biscuit). I enjoy lifting weights, eating food, watching movies with my wife, and playing with my kids.
Executive Pastor
Elder & Staff
+ Read Biography
I was born and raised in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. I grew up in a wonderful Christian family, but it wasn’t until I was in college that I really came to appreciate both the weight of my sin, and what it meant to be saved by grace through life-altering faith in Jesus Christ. In 2010 I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design at the University of North Texas, in Denton. That’s where I also met and fell in love with another art student: my beautiful wife, Kristen. We were married in 2012. In 2016, we welcomed our daughter, Everett. In 2020 we were blessed with a son, Samuel. And in 2023, God graciously gave us another daughter, Jordan.
My new-found appreciation for the Gospel also came with a deep desire to enter vocational ministry. After graduating college, I began working as a college minister in the Baptist Student Ministry at UNT—where I served for five years. During that time, we were also involved in planting a church in Denton, Texas, where I served as a lay elder. In time, God led my family to move to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, where I received by Masters of Divinity.
We moved to Albuquerque in October of 2019 for me to serve at Desert Springs in the role of Minister of Theological Training. In 2021, I transitioned into my current role as Executive Pastor.
Preaching Pastor
Elder & Staff
+ Read Biography
I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. It was in my junior year of high school that God powerfully and savingly revealed to me His grace. Not long after, I attended Liberty University, graduating with a B.S. in Religion in 1996. That summer I also married my "sunshine," Sarah.
I stayed at Liberty for my seminary education in no small part because I had the chance to serve on the staff of our home church, and Sarah was invited to teach piano in Liberty's music department. After a busy two years, I finished with a Masters of Arts in Religion and a Masters of Divinity.
In 1998, we moved to England where I began doctoral studies in historical theology at the University of Oxford. Sadly, we were forced to move to back to the States in 1999 when we could no longer fund the high cost of Oxford tuition and living. Just the same, our time in England confirmed that I had a far greater desire to pastor and preach than to research and teach.
From 1999-2003 I did just that, pastoring in a small church context in Denver, Colorado (Sarah's home town).
In August 2003 God provided the wonderful opportunity to come to DSC and serve as the Pastor for Preaching. We love Albuquerque and DSC, and hope, if God wills, to be here for good.
Somewhere along the way, I also returned to formal education, and finished with a PhD in historical theology from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My dissertation focused on the intersection of politics, ecclesiology, and eschatology in John Owen (1616-1683).
In addition to pastoring at DSC, I serve as a Council Member of The Gospel Coalition, help lead the NM Regional Chapter of The Gospel Coalition, and help lead preaching workshops for The Simeon Trust.
Sarah and I are blessed with four wonderful kids: Autumn, Katelyn, Gillian, and William. Our home is a busy and happy one, by God's grace. In our spare time we enjoy a very disparate blend of music, reading, dirt biking, and laughing.
+ Read Biography
Coming Soon
Children & Families Pastor
Elder & Staff
+ Read Biography
I was born and raised in Harare, Zimbabwe. My parents, Kennedy and Lilian, raised my brother and me in a strong Christian home. Everywhere we turned the reality of the gospel greeted us. I grew up attending church and came to faith in Christ at a young age.
I attended a private Christian grade school, and even though I had a desire to chase after the Lord, I found it tough during some of those years. I still attended church and youth group, even led home groups at times, but my heart was far from Christ. I felt pressure to operate under the illusion that on the outside I was a devout Christian, but in reality, I had an internal struggle with accepting the Lord’s grace over my wicked heart.
During my final two years of high school, my youth pastor took me under his wing and discipled me. He taught me that being a believer didn’t mean I was perfect; it meant that, in Christ’s perfection, His blood covered my sin. The implications of His death, burial and resurrection were wholly awakened in me.
In 2004, I moved to Denton, Texas, to study Radio, Television and Film at the University of North Texas and it was while at UNT that the Lord confirmed in me a call and desire to enter into ministry. I got plugged into The Village Church while I was in college and served as minister there for 9 years before moving to Albuquerque and stepping into the role of Minister of Children & Families at DSC.
My wife Rachel and I got married in 2013 and we have 4 children, Xander, Zeke, Kai and Lili. I love traveling to new places, watching and playing futbol and playing board games with friends.
Discipleship Pastor
Elder & Staff
+ Read Biography
I grew up in Northwest Arkansas and was the youngest of three boys. I came to know the Lord when I was a junior in high school. I had been invited to attend church by friends and went for about a year hearing the Gospel and rejecting the call to follow Christ. But God, worked mightily to grant me new life over a three-day weekend retreat with the youth group. I heard the Gospel again and I felt the brokenness of my sin and God’s mercy to forgive sinners.
I knew that following Jesus would be the defining moment of my life. I began to get involved in serving in my church and began to feel a desire toward ministry. I went to the University of Arkansas and studied Cultural Anthropology. Eventually, I had a desire to pursue more training for ministry. So, I moved to Louisville, KY to pursue a Masters of Divinity at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. While I was there the Lord did far more than I could have imagine. He gave me a beautiful wife, Claire, and two beautiful daughters, Annie and Evie. He also grew me in more ways that I ever dreamed through the faithful ministry of a local church.
I love spending time with my family, having coffee with friends, and watching the Arkansas Razorbacks play baseball!
+ Read Biography
My first date with Mary was a fishing trip. Yeah, I know, romantic. But I came out of that date with a prize catch, and one I'm glad to say never got away. We were married in Rockport, Texas (where Mary grew up) in 1973, though we were not believers. With the help of my own family dynamics and some atheist college professors (easier to snag than fish), I strayed from the moorings far enough that I eventually came to believe that God couldn't be proved or disproved. I was an agnostic.
But God's good hand led this unbelieving couple to Houston, to a neighborhood packed with Christians committed to reaching others with the saving message of the gospel. They reached us, after a little help from a pastor's wife who had too much to drink (you can ask me about that).
We raised five wonderful daughters in a Christian marriage in the next 30 years, but those years also came with fading dreams and my own difficult struggle with alcohol (you can ask me about that). Yet again, God mercifully used this time of excess to reveal his grace like I had never known it before.
Knowing God's grace has motivated me to fish all the more, this time for people. I am always on the lookout for men (and with Mary, women) who are eager to follow their Savior and to learn more about what he says in his word. And DSC, with its relentless emphasis on knowing God's word, is always a great spot for a fishing date.
When I'm not fishing, I enjoy reading, astronomy, and hosting star-gazing parties. I also enjoy cooking strange dishes, like peanut butter soup (Mary is such a patient woman).
Biblical Counseling Pastor
Elder & Staff
+ Read Biography
Coming Soon
In the New Testament Scriptures, there are two offices in the local church: pastors (or elders) and deacons. The deacon is a "servant" office (this is what the Greek word "deacon" means, and what we see in Acts 6 with the first deacons). However, it is also a managerial office: deacons lead others in an area of service. In Acts 6:3 "the seven" (deacons) were put "in charge" of a task. The seven of Acts 6:3 may have helped to manage around three thousand in the church at that time.
In Acts 6 we see areas that require some form of leadership, such as problem-solving and peace-making, related to an area that starts in the material realm (in this case, taking care of the needs of widows). Again, deacons give attention to more practical needs of the body. This frees up elders for the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:4). Though the needs that deacons respond to often start in the material realm, the ministry often mingles physical and spiritual needs. For example, "complaints" are handled (Acts 6:1), Stephen preaches (Acts 7), Philip preaches (Acts 8), and deacons "hold fast the mystery of the faith" (1 Timothy 3:9).
Deacon | Adoption Ministry
Deacon | Ushering
Deacon | Guatemala Care Team
Deacon | Evangelism
Deacon | Children & Families Pastoral Assistant
Deacon | Woodcutting Ministry
Deacon | Parking & Safety Team
Women's Ministry Director
+ Read Biography
I was born in a small East Texas town but moved to New Orleans when I was three. Aside from one year spent in Madrid, Spain, I lived in New Orleans until I graduated from high school. At that point I returned to Texas to attend the University of Texas in Austin where I received a degree in Elementary Education.
While studying at UT I was invited to attend a Campus Crusade for Christ meeting. That night, I enrolled in my very first Bible study. God used that study to open my eyes to the gospel and to the truth and beauty of His Word. Through the years He has continued to show me more and more of Himself and to change me through time spent in the Scriptures and with other followers of Christ.
I have attended DSC since 2002. The strong preaching, the fellowship of believers, and the Women’s Ministry here at Desert Springs have all been a tremendous means of grace in my life. Serving in Women’s Ministry is an incredible joy and privilege.
I have been married to Steve since 1994. We have three children, two dogs, and a busy life. Hanging out with my kids and being outside are two of my very favorite things. I also love super sharp pencils and colored pens.
Missions Pastor
+ Read Biography
I was born and raised in a rural suburb of Oklahoma City. My parents are believers so I was raised in church. I always hated going, as I found it boring, and I didn't have any church friends so I dreaded every Sunday. But one Sunday the preacher caught my attention because he was preaching about hell. This was the first time I realized that my sin separated me from God. Later that day I asked my dad how I could be saved, and that evening in the passenger seat of our family car I repented of my sins and believed in the gospel.
Later on, I went to the University of Central Oklahoma with hopes to go work for the FBI. During one of my classes I met an international student, and I desired to share the gospel with her, but I had no idea how to do that cross-culturally. So I went to the Baptist Collegiate Ministries and asked the director for advice. As a result I became very involved with their international student ministry. It was during this time that I became interested in doing missions. With a great desire to make His name known among the unreached, I received a Masters of Divinity in International Church Planting from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and have since then served on three different continents and in three different states.
My wife Janice and I have three kids Charlotte, Juliet, and Blaise. We enjoy cooking, big family breakfasts, and going on walks.
Facilities Supervisor
+ Read Biography
I was born in the year 1978 in the most excellent city of Austin, TX but was raised in the North Dallas suburb of Richardson, TX. It is there that I would "pray the prayer" at a very young age as was common in the southern baptist church. It wasn't until middle school that our youth pastor spoke about this God in a much more tangible way and it began to make sense and wasn't just some prayer that you pray to prevent you from going to hell. It would be a long time before I would actually begin to understand Christ and His love for me and understand my own depravity.
Beginning at the age of nine, I discovered a life long passion, the drums. I played in countless garage bands as well as had formal training through the band programs in school as well as private instruction. During a four year stint in Columbia, SC, I played in the worship bands and interned with the youth ministry alongside my former youth minister and my now brother-in-law. It was in South Carolina that I courted my wife Alyssa and we would be married there. She is the gentlest and most caring person I know, but i would later find out just what a magnificent being she really is.
We moved to New Mexico in 2003 to follow my dream of playing the drums professionally. I joined a rock band that ended up touring, writing and recording for 6 years eventually landing a record deal that would take us all over the U.S. and the occasional international date. Upon learning that we would open up for a very well known major act in the fall of 2007 things began to unravel for the band both in a business sense as well as in our personal lives that culminated with my wife and I losing our second child, Sydney, to stillbirth at 31 weeks. It is at this moment that I learned how tough and brutally loving our God is. He brought us to our knees and redirected our hearts back towards the cross through suffering, and we realized just how much we need Him. This was a defining time for Alyssa and I who continue to learn God's grace and mercy.
Currently we have two sons. I enjoy drumming, recording, tinkering and fixing things as well as being around believers and non-believers alike.
Youth & Families Minister
+ Read Biography
I was raised in a nominally Christian home, where I learned more about how to be moral than what it means to trust in Christ alone for one's salvation. After a difficult divorce my mom, who was an amazingly strong woman, plugged my three siblings and I into a church. Shortly thereafter in Middle School, God miraculously and graciously opened my blind eyes to see the beauty of the gospel and my need for a Savior. Nearly 10 years later in 2014, I met my beautiful Destiny. We got married in 2015 and were led by God’s hand in that same year to DSC. It was then that God began to quickly grow our love for the Church and specifically DSC. Over the course of the next eight years of membership at DSC, God grew us in our walk with Him and also as a family with four of our own: Joel, Ezra, Levi, and Adaline.
It was during these years of personal spiritual growth at DSC that my desire to enter into vocational ministry began to strengthen. I had known that I wanted to serve the Lord in this way but didn’t know the on-ramp. In the following years at DSC I served and taught in DSC Kids, DSC Youth, led a Community Group, and became certified as a Biblical Counselor, all of which continued to fuel my desire for vocational ministry. In 2022 I enrolled at the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary where I'm still working to complete my Master of Divinity online. On September 18th, 2023, God graciously provided the opportunity for me to serve my DSC church family as the Minister of Youth and Families.
I love date nights with Destiny and spending quality time with my family. When not doing these two things I also enjoy playing games on boards and screens, researching tech, enjoying good food, and most of all, reading a good book!
Music Pastor
+ Read Biography
I grew up as a pastor's kid in Arkansas, and was home schooled along with my four siblings. I heard the call of salvation at a young age under my father's ministry, and have seen that salvation worked out through the years. I started serving the church in music at thirteen and have never really stopped. I have been writing and composing music for many years with the goal to serve the local church in song.
I attended Stetson University for Music from 1999-2003.
I met my wife, Crissie, in high school and we were members of the same church for years. We were married in 2006.
Prior to coming to DSC, I was part time staff at TurningPoint Community Church in Palm Coast, Florida as the Music Leader for nearly five years.
I became the full time Music Minister here at DSC on April 1, 2010. I became an elder in July of 2020.
Crissie and I have five kids, Arabella, Priest, Kanon, Halliday, and Arrow (Biscuit). I enjoy lifting weights, eating food, watching movies with my wife, and playing with my kids.
Executive Pastor
+ Read Biography
I was born and raised in the suburbs of Dallas, Texas. I grew up in a wonderful Christian family, but it wasn’t until I was in college that I really came to appreciate both the weight of my sin, and what it meant to be saved by grace through life-altering faith in Jesus Christ. In 2010 I completed my Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in graphic design at the University of North Texas, in Denton. That’s where I also met and fell in love with another art student: my beautiful wife, Kristen. We were married in 2012. In 2016, we welcomed our daughter, Everett. In 2020 we were blessed with a son, Samuel. And in 2023, God graciously gave us another daughter, Jordan.
My new-found appreciation for the Gospel also came with a deep desire to enter vocational ministry. After graduating college, I began working as a college minister in the Baptist Student Ministry at UNT—where I served for five years. During that time, we were also involved in planting a church in Denton, Texas, where I served as a lay elder. In time, God led my family to move to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, where I received by Masters of Divinity.
We moved to Albuquerque in October of 2019 for me to serve at Desert Springs in the role of Minister of Theological Training. In 2021, I transitioned into my current role as Executive Pastor.
Preaching Pastor
+ Read Biography
I grew up in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. It was in my junior year of high school that God powerfully and savingly revealed to me His grace. Not long after, I attended Liberty University, graduating with a B.S. in Religion in 1996. That summer I also married my "sunshine," Sarah.
I stayed at Liberty for my seminary education in no small part because I had the chance to serve on the staff of our home church, and Sarah was invited to teach piano in Liberty's music department. After a busy two years, I finished with a Masters of Arts in Religion and a Masters of Divinity.
In 1998, we moved to England where I began doctoral studies in historical theology at the University of Oxford. Sadly, we were forced to move to back to the States in 1999 when we could no longer fund the high cost of Oxford tuition and living. Just the same, our time in England confirmed that I had a far greater desire to pastor and preach than to research and teach.
From 1999-2003 I did just that, pastoring in a small church context in Denver, Colorado (Sarah's home town).
In August 2003 God provided the wonderful opportunity to come to DSC and serve as the Pastor for Preaching. We love Albuquerque and DSC, and hope, if God wills, to be here for good.
Somewhere along the way, I also returned to formal education, and finished with a PhD in historical theology from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. My dissertation focused on the intersection of politics, ecclesiology, and eschatology in John Owen (1616-1683).
In addition to pastoring at DSC, I serve as a Council Member of The Gospel Coalition, help lead the NM Regional Chapter of The Gospel Coalition, and help lead preaching workshops for The Simeon Trust.
Sarah and I are blessed with four wonderful kids: Autumn, Katelyn, Gillian, and William. Our home is a busy and happy one, by God's grace. In our spare time we enjoy a very disparate blend of music, reading, dirt biking, and laughing.
Children & Families Pastor
+ Read Biography
I was born and raised in Harare, Zimbabwe. My parents, Kennedy and Lilian, raised my brother and me in a strong Christian home. Everywhere we turned the reality of the gospel greeted us. I grew up attending church and came to faith in Christ at a young age.
I attended a private Christian grade school, and even though I had a desire to chase after the Lord, I found it tough during some of those years. I still attended church and youth group, even led home groups at times, but my heart was far from Christ. I felt pressure to operate under the illusion that on the outside I was a devout Christian, but in reality, I had an internal struggle with accepting the Lord’s grace over my wicked heart.
During my final two years of high school, my youth pastor took me under his wing and discipled me. He taught me that being a believer didn’t mean I was perfect; it meant that, in Christ’s perfection, His blood covered my sin. The implications of His death, burial and resurrection were wholly awakened in me.
In 2004, I moved to Denton, Texas, to study Radio, Television and Film at the University of North Texas and it was while at UNT that the Lord confirmed in me a call and desire to enter into ministry. I got plugged into The Village Church while I was in college and served as minister there for 9 years before moving to Albuquerque and stepping into the role of Minister of Children & Families at DSC.
My wife Rachel and I got married in 2013 and we have 4 children, Xander, Zeke, Kai and Lili. I love traveling to new places, watching and playing futbol and playing board games with friends.
Design & Video Director
+ Read Biography
I was born in the capital city of Honduras, Tegucigalpa, and lived there until I decided to venture into a new world and fly to the States for college in the spring of 2002.
By the grace of God, my relationship with Jesus began at a young age when I realized I was a lost sinner in need of the one and only Savior—the Christ! My salvation opened the door to many opportunities in medical and dental missions as a translator while I was in high school. This led to my enrollment at Pensacola Christian College in Florida. After two years, I transferred to Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, where I fell in love at first sight (cheesy but true) with my gorgeous wife, Meghan. We remained in Lynchburg, and were married in the fall of 2006. After graduating with a B.A. in Communications, specializing in Graphic Design, I worked for a marketing firm.
My heart longed to glorify God through my profession by working directly with a church or missions organization. God was gracious, and He answered my prayers! We relocated to Albuquerque in the summer of 2007 to become a part of the DSC family.
Meghan and I have three kiddos: Juliet, Dante, and Jax. We enjoy sipping coffee, browsing bookstores, playing board games, watching movies, laughing with our kids, and cheering for fútbol!
Technical Director
+ Read Biography
I was born in San Francisco, CA. I've lived in Albuquerque since my parents moved back in early 1971. I graduated from Sandia High School in 1988. I became the sound technician for the University of New Mexico Collegiate Singers in 1989 and spent nine years with them. In 1991 a couple of friends invited me and my roommate to a Campus Crusade for Christ meeting. My roommate started going to church and accepted Christ in March. He started inviting me and sometime in April of 1991 I acknowledged the saving grace of Jesus Christ. I started attending Calvary of Albuquerque where I got involved with the sound ministry where, my now long time friend, Jay Fisher, was head of Audio. This opened doors for me to work at a local audio company called Hi Q. It was there that I got to cut my teeth on bigger bands and sound systems. In September of 1996, I was offered the sound tech job at DSC. I now oversee the audio, lighting, visual (PowerPoint, video), and computers here at DSC. I still works four or five concerts a year including, M88's Freedom Fest and working shows with the likes of B.B. King, Lyle Lovett, John Hiatt, Debbie Reynolds, Red, Hawk Nelson, and Whiteheart among others. My beautiful wife Koren and I, without a doubt have the most beautiful kids in the world—two daughters Micah and Elli, and a son, Logan. I also lead a community group here at DSC and co lead a men's huddle.
Office Manager
+ Read Biography
I was born and raised just outside Pittsburgh, PA, so you might guess that I am a Pittsburgh Steeler fan. After high school, I went to Grove City College, a Christian school just north of Pittsburgh (so still a Steeler fan). In 1980 I moved to Albuquerque (no pro team here – so I remain a Steeler fan). I met my husband, Ron, here and we have been married since 1988 and have 3 cats.
I grew up attending a Presbyterian church, and don't really remember a time when I didn't believe in God, Christ and the Holy Spirit and that I am a sinner, saved through God's grace and mercy and Christ's death and resurrection. But I had a kind of off and on relationship with "church". For a period I believed that I had all I needed in God and Christ and had no need for a church. 9/11, although I didn't have a personal connection to that event, somehow (the Holy Spirit at work) made me understand my need for a connection to others and strong teaching, as well as a desire for others to know Christ. We began attending another church in town here, where we became involved in an evangelistic ministry designed to introduce the Trinity and Christian living to others. We have been attending DSC since 2006 and are so blessed by the teaching here. I have been on staff since 2013 and it is definitely the best job ever.
Together Ron and I enjoy boating, jet skiing, wakeboarding, attending motorcross races, jigsaw puzzles, traveling – oh yes – and watching football!
Discipleship Pastor
+ Read Biography
I grew up in Northwest Arkansas and was the youngest of three boys. I came to know the Lord when I was a junior in high school. I had been invited to attend church by friends and went for about a year hearing the Gospel and rejecting the call to follow Christ. But God, worked mightily to grant me new life over a three-day weekend retreat with the youth group. I heard the Gospel again and I felt the brokenness of my sin and God’s mercy to forgive sinners.
I knew that following Jesus would be the defining moment of my life. I began to get involved in serving in my church and began to feel a desire toward ministry. I went to the University of Arkansas and studied Cultural Anthropology. Eventually, I had a desire to pursue more training for ministry. So, I moved to Louisville, KY to pursue a Masters of Divinity at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. While I was there the Lord did far more than I could have imagine. He gave me a beautiful wife, Claire, and two beautiful daughters, Annie and Evie. He also grew me in more ways that I ever dreamed through the faithful ministry of a local church.
I love spending time with my family, having coffee with friends, and watching the Arkansas Razorbacks play baseball!
Biblical Counseling Pastor
+ Read Biography
Coming Soon
Finance Administrator
+ Read Biography
I was raised in a strong Christian home with wonderful parents. I grew up in church, went to Christian schools, and went to Bible college. I trusted in Christ as my Savior during my middle school years. I've been very involved in ministry over the course of my life.
My husband's name is Todd. We have a blended family which consists of two daughters and two little granddaughters. We enjoy fishing in Alaska, watching hockey, and spending time with family and friends.
I handle everything to do with finance at DSC. I've been on staff since April, 1999. My background is in finance and I'm licensed in securities and life insurance.
Administrative Assistant for Biblical Counseling
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Assistant for Children & Families
Children & Families Pastoral Assistant
Administrative Assistant for Missions