Take Care How You Listen! Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyMarch 15, 2009Evangelism, The Gospel, Sanctification and Growth, Luke
Stubborn Unbelief vs. Extravagant Gratitude Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyMarch 8, 2009Forgiving Others, The Gospel, Gratitude, Humility, Jesus Christ, Luke
Faith, Healing, Salvation, and Mission – in Three Stories Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyMarch 1, 2009Biblical Figures, Faith, Jesus Christ, Suffering, Luke
Saved by Grace; Blessed by Works? Lord's SupperRyan KellyFebruary 25, 2009The Gospel, The Gospel for Christians, The Lord's Supper, Sanctification and Growth, Service, 1 Corinthians
The Worst of Times are the Best of Times for Giving Matt EllisonFebruary 22, 2009The Grace of God, Missions, Money, Suffering, 2 Corinthians
Joining God's Purposes for Global Glory Ryan KellyFebruary 15, 2009The Bible, The Glory of God, Missions, Habakkuk
Good Fruit, Bad Fruit Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyFebruary 8, 2009Assurance of Salvation, The Gospel, Sanctification and Growth, Luke
To Judge or Not to Judge? Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyFebruary 1, 2009Conflict, Courage and Boldness, Discernment, The Grace of God, Loving Others, Luke
Church Issues, DSC Vision, The Love of God, Loving Others Lord's SupperRyan KellyJanuary 28, 2009The Death of Christ, The Lord's Supper, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, The Resurrection of Christ
A Reality Check Barry LawrenceJanuary 25, 2009Death and Dying, The Fear of God, The Grace of God, Judgment, Psalms
To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Required State of the CommunionRyan KellyJanuary 18, 2009Church Issues, DSC Vision, The Love of God, Loving Others, Philippians
To Be in Christ Is to Be in His Body Ryan KellyJanuary 11, 2009Church Issues, Loving Others, Service, Spiritual Gifts, Romans
I Resolve to Give Myself to the Word Ryan KellyJanuary 4, 2009The Bible, Sanctification and Growth, Psalms
Your Life Is a Vapor Parker LandisDecember 28, 2008Death and Dying, The Gospel, Knowing God's Will, Money, James
Good News of Great Joy ChristmasRyan KellyDecember 24, 2008The Gospel, Holiday Sermons, Jesus Christ, Joy, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, Luke
The Birth of the King ChristmasRyan KellyDecember 21, 2008The Gospel, Holiday Sermons, Jesus Christ, Kingdom of God, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, Isaiah
The Sufferings of Christ and the Glories to Follow ChristmasRyan KellyDecember 14, 2008Bible Prophecy, Heaven, Holiday Sermons, Hope, Jesus Christ, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, 1 Peter
The Radical Ethics of Gospel Discipleship Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyDecember 7, 2008The Gospel, Persecution, Suffering, Luke
Blessed Are the Hungry Lord's SupperRyan KellyDecember 3, 2008The Lord's Supper, Loving Others, Pride, Matthew
Blessings and Woes Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyNovember 30, 2008The Gospel, Money, Suffering, Luke