Resurrection Luke: Righteous Sinners, EasterRyan KellyApril 4, 2010Evidence for the Faith, Holiday Sermons, The Resurrection of Christ, The Sovereignty of God, Luke
Crucifixion Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyApril 2, 2010The Death of Christ, The Gospel, Holiday Sermons, Jesus Christ, Judgment, Luke
A Different Kind of King Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyMarch 28, 2010The Death of Christ, The Gospel, Holiday Sermons, Judgment, Luke
Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyMarch 21, 2010Courage and Boldness, End Times / Return of Christ, Judgment, Luke
Philippians: The Friends and Family Plan Ron GieseMarch 14, 2010Fellowship, Loving Others, The Nature of the Church, Philippians
Ten Healed; One Truly Saved Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyMarch 7, 2010Faith, The Power and Effects of Sin, Worship, Luke
Discipleship Is for the Lowly Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyFebruary 28, 2010False Teaching, Forgiving Others, The Gospel, Luke
Elders Q&A: February 2010 Elders Q&ADSC EldersFebruary 24, 2010Biblical Eldership, DSC Vision, Small Groups
Worship, Community, Mission State of the CommunionRyan KellyFebruary 21, 2010Church Issues, DSC Vision, The Glory of God, The Gospel, Acts, Church Mission
A Great Chasm: The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyFebruary 14, 2010Faith, The Gospel, Hell, Money, The Power and Effects of Sin, Luke
The Problem of Self-Justification Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyFebruary 7, 2010Divorce and Remarriage, The Gospel, The Law, Marriage, Luke
Stewardship: Your Best Life Later Luke: Righteous SinnersRyan KellyJanuary 31, 2010Heaven, Idolatry, Money, Service, Luke
Feasting on the Bread of Life Lord's SupperGreg SchneebergerJanuary 27, 2010The Lord's Supper, The Trinity, John
Suffering, Comfort, and Others Ryan KellyJanuary 17, 2010The Love of God, Sanctification and Growth, The Sovereignty of God, Suffering, 2 Corinthians
Demystifying Unity Dave BruskasJanuary 10, 2010Church Membership, Fellowship, The Glory of God, Knowing God's Will, Service, Ephesians
When God Speaks Ryan KellyJanuary 3, 2010Conversion, The Glory of God, The Sovereignty of God, Ezekiel
Think Like Jesus Parker LandisDecember 27, 2009The Gospel, Humility, Jesus Christ, The Love of God, Philippians
...and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed. ChristmasRyan KellyDecember 24, 2009The Glory of God, The Gospel, Holiday Sermons, The Incarnation, Jesus Christ, Isaiah
The Virgin Birth ChristmasRyan KellyDecember 20, 2009Bible Prophecy, Evidence for the Faith, Holiday Sermons, Jesus Christ, Tough Texts, Matthew