Now That's a King! The PsalmsRyan KellyApril 29, 2012Biblical Figures, Kingdom of God, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, Psalms
You Are What You Eat...Sorta Lord's SupperRyan KellyApril 25, 2012Assurance of Salvation, Idolatry, The Lord's Supper, Perseverance of the Saints, 1 Corinthians
God Wants to Bless You...but Maybe Not Like You Think The PsalmsRyan KellyApril 22, 2012Baptism, Joy, Missions, Worship, Psalms, Church Mission
Out of Sight: The Joy of Jesus' Ascension Trent HunterApril 15, 2012Glorification/Resurrection, The Holy Spirit, Kingdom of God, The Resurrection of Christ, Luke, Acts
Raised with Christ EasterRyan KellyApril 8, 2012The Fall, Glorification/Resurrection, The Resurrection of Christ, Ephesians
Better than Life The PsalmsRyan KellyApril 1, 2012Biblical Figures, Fear and Anxiety, The Love of God, Suffering, Psalms
Real Repentance, Real Restoration Lord's Supper, The PsalmsRyan KellyMarch 28, 2012Biblical Figures, Indwelling Sin, Repentance, Psalms
All Rise! Court Is Now in Session The PsalmsRyan KellyMarch 25, 2012Assurance of Salvation, The Fear of God, The Law, The Love of God, Service, Psalms
Unpacking Depression: Why Are You Downcast? The PsalmsRyan KellyMarch 18, 2012Biblical Counseling, Fear and Anxiety, The Power and Effects of Sin, Prayer, Sanctification and Growth, Psalms
Christians Living in the Last Days Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeD. A. CarsonMarch 11, 2012End Times / Return of Christ, Persecution, Preaching and Teaching, Suffering, 2 Timothy
Resolving Everyday Conflict Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeRick FriesenMarch 10, 2012Biblical Counseling, Conflict, Forgiving Others, Indwelling Sin, Sanctification and Growth
Forgiving As Forgiven Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeFred ZaspelMarch 10, 2012Biblical Counseling, Conflict, Forgiving Others, Justification, Sanctification and Growth, Matthew
Serving as He Served Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeFred ZaspelMarch 10, 2012Assurance of Salvation, Humility, Jesus Christ, Sanctification and Growth, Service, Suffering, John
Panel Discussion Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeD. A. CarsonMarch 10, 2012Assurance of Salvation, Indwelling Sin, Perseverance of the Saints, Sanctification and Growth
The Saving Word Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeD. A. CarsonMarch 10, 2012Justification, Perseverance of the Saints, Sanctification and Growth, The Sovereignty of God, Suffering, James
B. B. Warfield on the Doctrine of Sanctification Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeFred ZaspelMarch 9, 2012Assurance of Salvation, The Gospel for Christians, Indwelling Sin, Sanctification and Growth
Living in a Difficult Time Clarus 2012 - The Cross-Shaped Christian LifeD. A. CarsonMarch 9, 2012Evidence for the Faith, Hope, The Nature of the Church, Perseverance of the Saints, Sanctification and Growth, Suffering, 2 Thessalonians
How to Really Talk to Yourself The PsalmsRyan KellyMarch 4, 2012Corporate Worship, Encouragement, Preaching and Teaching, Suffering, Psalms
Really Good Grief Lord's SupperTrent HunterFebruary 29, 2012Fear and Anxiety, Hope, The Lord's Supper, Perseverance of the Saints, Suffering, 1 Peter