Facing Up to It 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyNovember 29, 2015Biblical Figures, Forgiving Others, Judgment, The Power and Effects of Sin, 2 Samuel
Like Father, Like Sons 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyNovember 22, 2015The Power and Effects of Sin, Sexuality, Suffering, 2 Samuel
Rebuked, Repentant, Restored 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyNovember 15, 2015The Grace of God, The Power and Effects of Sin, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, 2 Samuel
The King's Great Fall 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyNovember 8, 2015Biblical Figures, The Power and Effects of Sin, Sexuality, 2 Samuel
Kindness Received, Kindness Rejected 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyNovember 1, 2015Fear and Anxiety, The Gospel, Judgment, The Love of God, 2 Samuel
Enlarge the Place of Your Tent Stand AloneNathan ShermanOctober 25, 2015Church Planting, DSC Vision, Evangelism, Missions, Isaiah
Help for the Journey Stand AloneTrent HunterOctober 18, 2015Hope, Persecution, Perseverance of the Saints, Suffering, Psalms
Victory! 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyOctober 11, 2015Baptism, Biblical Figures, Judgment, Tough Texts, 2 Samuel
From Promises to Praise 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyOctober 4, 2015The Covenants, The Glory of God, Prayer, The Sovereignty of God, 2 Samuel
Elders Q&A: September 2015 Elders Q&ADSC EldersSeptember 30, 2015Christianity and Culture, Church Issues, Church Planting, DSC Vision, Social Issues
The Covenant-Keeping God 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellySeptember 27, 2015Biblical Figures, The Covenants, Kingdom of God, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, 2 Samuel
Bring Up the Ark of God! 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellySeptember 20, 2015Biblical Figures, Kingdom of God, Tough Texts, 2 Samuel
Shepherd of My People 2 Samuel: A Better KingNathan ShermanSeptember 13, 2015Biblical Figures, Heaven, Hope, Kingdom of God, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, 2 Samuel
David Grew Stronger and Stronger 2 Samuel: A Better KingNathan ShermanSeptember 6, 2015Biblical Figures, Kingdom of God, Social Issues, 2 Samuel
A Better King: 1-2 Samuel in the Grand Scheme 2 Samuel: A Better KingRyan KellyAugust 30, 2015Biblical Figures, Kingdom of God, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology, 1 Samuel, 2 Samuel
These People Are Not Drunk Lord's SupperTrent HunterAugust 26, 2015The Nature of the Church, Preaching and Teaching, The Resurrection of Christ, Acts
Crucified, Buried, and Raised Mark: Who Is This Man?Ryan KellyAugust 23, 2015The Bible, The Death of Christ, Jesus Christ, Tough Texts, Mark
Lesson 3: Parables Seminar – How to Study the Bible: GospelsRon GieseAugust 22, 2015How to Study the Bible, Jesus Christ
Lesson 1: Ten Basics of Gospel Interpretation Seminar – How to Study the Bible: GospelsNathan ShermanAugust 22, 2015Evidence for the Faith, How to Study the Bible, Jesus Christ