Rise Up, O Lord! Psalms 90-100: God's Righteous ReignRyan KellyMay 17, 2020Hope, Judgment, Psalms, Repentance, Suffering
The Lord Reigns! Psalms 90-100: God's Righteous ReignChase JacobsMay 10, 2020The Bible, Christ's Supremacy, Fear and Anxiety, Kingdom of God, Psalms
Reasons to Praise Psalms 90-100: God's Righteous ReignRyan KellyMay 3, 2020Corporate Worship, The Lord's Day, Psalms, Salvation, Worship
Under His Wings Psalms 90-100: God's Righteous ReignRyan KellyApril 26, 2020False Teaching, Fear and Anxiety, The Love of God, Psalms, Redemptive History / Biblical Theology
To Know Ourselves and Our God Psalms 90-100: God's Righteous ReignRyan KellyApril 19, 2020Death and Dying, The Love of God, Psalms, The Sovereignty of God, Suffering
Believing Thomas EasterRyan KellyApril 12, 2020Evidence for the Faith, Faith, Holiday Sermons, John, The Resurrection of Christ
Living Out the Gospel Together 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyApril 5, 20201 Thessalonians, Biblical Eldership, Church Issues, Fellowship, Loving Others
Preparing for the Day of the Lord 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyMarch 29, 20201 Thessalonians, End Times / Return of Christ, The Gospel, The Gospel for Christians
The Coming of the Lord 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyMarch 22, 20201 Thessalonians, Death and Dying, End Times / Return of Christ, The Resurrection of Christ, Suffering
Loving More and More 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeChase JacobsMarch 15, 20201 Thessalonians, Christianity and Culture, Loving Others, Social Issues, Work and Vocation
A Life Pleasing to God 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyMarch 8, 20201 Thessalonians, Knowing God's Will, Sanctification and Growth, Sexuality
From Concern to Comfort 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyMarch 1, 20201 Thessalonians, Assurance of Salvation, End Times / Return of Christ, Fellowship, The Trinity
How and Why God Saves Lord's SupperRyan KellyFebruary 26, 2020The Gospel, The Grace of God, Justification, The Power and Effects of Sin, Romans
Our Hearts in Hardship 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeChase JacobsFebruary 23, 20201 Thessalonians, End Times / Return of Christ, Hope, Spiritual Warfare, Suffering
The Word at Work 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyFebruary 16, 20201 Thessalonians, The Bible, Judgment, Persecution, Preaching and Teaching
Evidential Apologetics (Session 3) Seminar – Prepared to Make a DefenseChase JacobsFebruary 15, 2020Christianity and Culture, Courage and Boldness, Evangelism, Evidence for the Faith, Various Scriptures
Classical Apologetics (Session 2) Seminar – Prepared to Make a DefenseChase JacobsFebruary 15, 2020Christianity and Culture, Courage and Boldness, Evangelism, Evidence for the Faith, Various Scriptures
Presuppositional Apologetics (Session 1) Seminar – Prepared to Make a DefenseChase JacobsFebruary 15, 2020Christianity and Culture, Courage and Boldness, Evangelism, Evidence for the Faith, Various Scriptures
Marks of a Faithful Ministry 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyFebruary 9, 20201 Thessalonians, The Gospel, Leadership, Parenting, Pastoral Ministry
An Example to Follow 1 Thessalonians: Persevering HopeRyan KellyFebruary 2, 20201 Thessalonians, Conversion, End Times / Return of Christ, Evangelism, Idolatry